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Robert Rutoed, Photographer and filmmaker

Klicks: 213, Website hinzugefügt: Nov 11, 2013
Robert Rutoed, Photographer and filmmaker
Robert Rutoed, Photographer and filmmaker
LINK : rutoed.at
Stichwort 1: monat der fotografie
Stichwort 2: festival
Stichwort 3: austellungen
Stichwort 4: ausstellung
Stichwort 5: wien
Stichwort 6: europa
Stichwort 8: fotografie
Stichwort 9: ausstellung
Stichwort 10: wien
ROBERT RUTOED, Vienna based photographer and filmmaker. Made numerous short feature films with screenings worldwide. Photographic work exhibited throughout Europe, the United States and Asia. Winner of the New York Photo Award 2012 in the category Fin